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Level 3: Adaptive Swim Whisperers Certification® - 6 Hours
Welcome to Adaptive Swim Whisperers Level 3
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Welcome to Level 3! (1:02)
The Swim Whisperers® Manual
Workbook: Printable from level 1 for Continued Growth and Notes
1. A Typical Swimmer with Discomfort Overcomes Obstacles
Case Study: Typical Swimmers Progress by addressing the Underlying Problem (14:50)
Case Study Update: Progressing Quickly and Reaching Swim Benchmarks (3:00)
QUIZ: A typical swimmer with discomfort overcomes obstacles
2. Keeping Novelty with Long Time Adult Swimmers
Case Study: Novelty with Long Time Adult Swimmers (13:24)
Training Video: Equipment for Engagement and Motivation (1:22)
QUIZ: Novelty with Adult Swimmers
3. Sign Language: Turning Play into Swim Skills
Case Study:Turning Play into a Skill with a Child with Autism who is Deaf (12:19)
Training Video: Some Signing Ideas! (2:05)
Training Video: A Young Girl who is Hearing Impaired with Sensory Challenges (2:11)
QUIZ:Signing for Success
4. Teenager with Ataxic Cerebral Palsy Overcomes Swim Obstacles
Case Study: Working with Water Properties to Increase Swim Ability (11:34)
QUIZ: Teenager with Cerebral Palsy
5. How to Reach Swim Benchmarks With Continuous Seeking Behaviors
Case Study: What to do with Continuous Underwater Seeking (10:34)
Training Video:How to Prompt with Effective Handling (3:52)
QUIZ: Contiunous Seeking
6. Group Fun and Fitness
Case Study: Group Fun with Fitness (8:00)
Training Video: Swim Squad (5:57)
QUIZ: Group Fun and Fitness
7. Autism, Bolting and Challenging Behaviors
Case Study: Autism, Bolting and Challenging Behaviors (10:51)
Video Update: How is Liam doing 3 years later? (1:57)
Training Video: Managing your Space for a Spinning Train (1:23)
Adaptive Water Safety Toolkit
QUIZ: Autism, Bolting and Water
8. Constant Seeking Turns Into Swim Strokes
Case Study: Constant Seeking Turns Into Swim Strokes (14:38)
Case Study Update: 4 week update! (2:14)
Case Study Update: 6 week update! (1:11)
QUIZ: Constant Seeking Turns Into Swim Strokes
9. - Planning, Progressing Your Skills for a Non-verbal Boy with Autism
Case Study: Progressing, Planning and Pacing (17:38)
Training Video: Working Towards a 15 minute Overlap Session (1:26)
QUIZ: Planning and Progressing
10. Swimmers with Down Syndrome and Autism with Anxious Behaviors
Case Study:A Swimmer with Down Syndrome & Anxious Behaviors (7:04)
Training Video: Anxious Swimmer with Autism: Steps to Success (1:27)
QUIZ:Swimmers with Down Syndrome and Autism & Anxious Behaviors
11. A 5y/o with a Spinal Cord Injury Lesson Progression
Case Study:Adapt, Access, Discover & Create Independence (15:38)
Case Study Update- Independence with a Wetsuit for Increased Floatation (3:11)
Case Study Update: Trying a Puddle Jumper! (3:05)
QUIZ: Adapt, Access, Discover & Create Independence
12. Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety and Overcoming Irrational Fears
Case Study: Overcoming Anxiety and Irrational Fears (17:10)
Case Study Update- Jumping in already! (1:39)
QUIZ: Overcoming Anxiety and Irrational Fears
13. Mommy and Me Class
Case Study: Mommy and Me Class (17:07)
QUIZ: Mommy and Me
14. Progressing Swim Skills for a Child that is Blind
Case Study: A Young girl who is blind and non verbal with Sensory Seeking Behaviors (2:58)
Quiz: A Young Girl who is Blind
15. Swimming with Rett Syndrome
Case Study: Independence with Submerging, Propelling in Prone and Taking the Side (1:45)
Training Video: Independence in Swim Skills (0:20)
Quiz: Swimming with Rett Syndrome
16. Aquatic Exercise Class, Program Ideas!
Case Study: Sensory Seekers Dive into Water Aerobics! (3:24)
Quiz: Aquatic Exercise
Swim Whisperers Level 3 Certification Exam
Closing Remarks
Course Evaluation
Swim Whisperers Certification Exam Level 3
How to Print Your Certificate
Promoting Your Certification (9:36)
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You Are Invited!
Case Study: Working with Water Properties to Increase Swim Ability
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