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Level 2: Adaptive Swim Whisperers Certification® - 6 Hours
Welcome to Level 2
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Welcome Video (1:02)
Workbook-Printable from level 1 for Continued Growth and Notes
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The Swim Whisperers Manual
Areas of Focus
Lecture: Adaptive Swim Level 2 (16:26)
Training Video: How to Progress Swimmers to a Semi-Private (2:48)
1. Improving Safety Strategies for Autism (3 year old)
Case Study: Techniques to Improve Engagement Safety and Skill (12:21)
Case Study: Implementing a Safety Routine (0:34)
Case Study Update: Safer Routine (0:43)
Case Study: Safety, Climbing Out and Safely Entering (10:49)
Training Video: Rescue Equipment (1:29)
QUIZ: Improving Safety
2. Including Siblings to Improve Success
Case Study: Power of a Sibling for a 5 y/o with Autism (6:51)
Case Study: Progressing to his High School Team (4:04)
Case Study: Power of a Sibling for a 10y/o with Down Syndrome (2:54)
QUIZ: Incorporate Siblings
3. Working Through Discomfort and Challenging Behaviors
Case Study: Managing Challenging Behaviors (13:23)
QUIZ - Working Through Discomfort
4. Anxious Swimmers Submerging and Horizontal Swim Position
Case Study: Horizontal Swimming Position for an Anxious and Reactive Swimmer (7:45)
Training Video: Technique for Front Crawl (1:28)
Training Video: Anxiety with Submerging and Reactivity with Deep and Shallow (5:05)
QUIZ:Horizontal Swimming Position and Submerging
5. Engagement, Social Skills and Progressing a Lesson
Case Study: How to Pace your Lesson with a 7 y/o boy with Oppositional Defiance and ADHD (11:46)
Training Video: Semi Private Pacing working with Autism and Down Syndrome (2:06)
QUIZ: Engagement, Social Skills and Progressing
6. Swimming For Recreation and Fitness: Autism, Down Syndrome, Developmental Delay
Case Study: Submerging, Re-Directing and Transitioning to the Gym (9:18)
Training Video: A Baby with Down Syndrome's First Water Experience (1:51)
Training Video: Rollovers, Changing Direction, Space Management (1:54)
QUIZ: Swimming for Recreation and Fitness
7. Retained Reflexes: Coordination, Auditory Processing and Motor Planning
Case Study: Reflexes Exercise to Improve Swim Skills (10:54)
Training Video: Practical Application of Reflex Drills (3:35)
QUIZ: Retained Reflexes
8. Parent Education: In Water Training
Case Study: Parent Education in Water Training for Water Slide Safety (9:57)
Case Study Update: Bella Swimming one Year Later! (1:51)
Case Study: Family In Water Training Safety and Routines (10:02)
Training Video: Using the iPad (2:49)
Adaptive Resources: Mini Course Lifeguard Training
Adaptive Resource: Adaptive Water Safety Toolkit
QUIZ: Parent Education
9. Using Rewards and Resources for a 12 Year Old Boy with Autism
Case Study: Using Resources and Rewards (7:19)
Case Study Update: One Year Later (1:58)
QUIZ: Using Resources and Rewards
10. Adaptive Swim Team Tips
Case Study: Swim Team Tips with Swimmers of All Abilities (11:42)
Training Video: Semi Private Team Preparation (0:43)
Adaptive Resources: Mini Course Coaching for Diversity and Inclusion
QUIZ: Adaptive Swim Team Tips
11. Novelty for Long Time Swimmers: Autism and Down Syndrome
Case Study: Young Adult with Autism Novelty and Progressions (10:09)
Case Study: Developmentally Delayed Adult
Training Video: A 28 year old with Down Syndrome Learns New Skills (1:47)
QUIZ: Young Adults
12. Semi-Private: Combining Strategies from Multiple Roadblocks
Case Study: Combining Strategies for Multiple Roadblocks with Multiple Swimmers. (15:11)
Training Video: Adding a Peer Model to your Semi Private Lesson (3:18)
NBC Spotlight: Mom of Two Boys with Autism Relieves Her Fear of Drowning
QUIZ: Combining Strategies
13. How to Address a Dual Diagnosis of Autism and a Stroke
Case Study: Dual Diagnosis of Autism and Stroke (13:31)
QUIZ: Dual Diagnosis
Case Study: Cerebral Palsy from Lessons to Backyard Pools
14. Improving Coordination for Front Crawl
Case Study: A young Girl with Autism Improve Strokes for Swim Success (8:30)
Case Study Update: Special Olympics for Alina! (0:47)
QUIZ: Improving Coordination
15. Limitations on Land Independence and Freedom in the Water
Case Study: Freedom of Movement in the Water (7:54)
Case Study: A Young Boy with a Spinal Cord Injury Swims
QUIZ: Limitations on Land
16. Physical Limitations of a Swimmer with Cerebral Palsy
Case Study: Physical Limitations for a 10 y/o with Cerebral Palsy (9:31)
Adaptive Resources: Blog Section "Breaking Free"
QUIZ: Physical Limitations of a Swimmer with Cerebral Palsy
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